Thursday, October 31, 2013

Cinderella Revisited

Cinderella was written centuries ago by Charles Perrault and a different version was written by the Brothers Grimm. A couple of centuries later a newer, animated film version was released by Disney based on the story by Charles Perrault. With several hit songs and unforgettable funny moments this movie was a big hit for families across America.  
The Brothers Grimm written their version of Cinderella after Perrault but became very popular during their time. The Disney/Perrault version has some extreme differences when compared to the Grimm’s version.  
From the Grimm’s tale to Disney’s film the two stepsisters are different in looks but the same in spirit. The sisters were jealous of Cinderella because of her natural beauty. In the Disney film of Cinderella the two sisters are just plain ugly with old people laugh-lines, big clunky feet and an ugly big round toe for a nose. The girls in Grimm’s Cinderella are not described as ugly but it says, “Then were the two sisters glad, for they had beautiful feet” and “beautiful and fair of face. 
 Cinderella’s mother is not mentioned in the Disney film. In Grimm’s version of Cinderella the mother is not only mention but she also speaks to Cinderella but dies early in the story. Her father is cruel and absent in the Grimm’s story. He refers to his daughter as Cinderella which is not a good name contrary to popular belief and also calls her “a little stunted kitchen-wench”. In the Disney film he is looked as noble man but dies early in the film during Cinderella’s childhood and leaves Cinderella alone with the evil step-mother. 
Disney and his team highlights the romance and pre-mature love that is between Cinderella and the prince when they meet and dance. It was love at first sight as they dance and sing “Is This Love”. Although the two dance in the Grimm version, there is nothing romantic about the dance. The most romantic part is probably the description of her dress but at the end of the day it is just a dress.  
Probably one of the biggest contrasts is the fitting of the slipper. In the Disney film the girls try to stick their foot inside the slipper. The Grimm version both sisters cut off part of their foot to get into the golden slipper. The mother said to her daughters to "Cut the toe off” for one sister and “Cut the heel off” for the other sister. 
Cinderella is a timeless classic in both the Disney and Grimm setting. The Grimm’s Cinderella is dark, religious and has a 'reap what you sow' attitude. Disney Cinderella also has stronger emphasis on love and romance. This is what makes this version so light and enjoyable for families. The Grimm’s Cinderella is not the ideal child’s bedtime story but the gruesome and grim ending is what mature audiences want. The Grimm’s Cinderella story along with other fairytales can all be found online. 

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